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Olympic Flame Germany
Pequefitness.deSponsor Icon
Fitnessgeräte für Kinder. Kinderrehabilitationsgeräte
View ProfileBerlin, Germany
Hauptstadt CrossFitSponsor
Hauptstadt CrossFit Icon
Wer wissen möchte wo seine Grenzen liegen der kann im Hauptstadt Crossfit Studio einmalig ein kostenloses Probetraining absolvieren. Die Trainer erkennen die Punkte des Körpers, welche besondere Aufmerksamkeit im Training benötigen und geben anfängliche Tipps, auch in puncto Ernährung und anderweitiger gesunder Lebensweise. Es wird intensiv auf das Workout eingegangen um jegliche Ablenkung zu vermeiden und den Fokus auf den zu trainierenden Körper zu lenken. Bereits nach vier Wochen mit mindestens einer Trainingseinheit pro Woche zeichnen sich erste Erfolge.
+49 176 311 517 58 | View ProfileCharlottenbu, Berlin Germany
pashminaweargermany Icon
Pashmina is the finest cashmere wool combed from the underbelly of Capra Hircus goat from the Himalayan regions of Tibet, Mongolia, Kashmir and Central Asia at elevations of 14,500 feet and above, where temperatures rarely rise above minus 30 degrees centigrade in winter.Pashmina is the goat's soft underbelly down, which lies under the coarse outer hair. The diameter of the fiber is about five times smaller than a human hair. Each goat produces about 3 ounces of wool each year. To produce one shawl requires the wool from 3 goats, the goats are not harmed in the process, as it is collected after being shed naturally. This is unlike the process of producing shahtoosh, in which the Tibetan Chiru antelopes are killed. We do not deal with such products.Our Pashmina products.All our Pashminas are individually hand loomed by Nepalise craftspeople. Beware of traders selling machine loomed pashminas as the far superior hand loomed variety. Every winter the wool is sheared from the mountain goats and washed and graded. The wool is spun into yarn. Silk yarn and Pashmina yarn are hand-woven in wooden frames, the ends are cut and ready to be dyed individually by hand. After dyeing, fringes are knotted and cleaned for final packaging. There is absolutely no child labor used in our products.Our Business and promise to you.We keep our prices as low as possible by buying directly from the weavers and selling directly to you. Before buying please read our customers testimonials
View Profiledenmark, denmark Germany
Shaped - Das Fitnessstudio für FrauenSponsor
Shaped - Das Fitnessstudio für Frauen Icon
Vereinbaren Sie jetzt Ihr Probetraining! Bei Shaped, dem Fitnessstudio für Frauen, werden Sie sich wohl fühlen! Wir sind direkt bei Köln und Bergisch Gladbach in Ihrer Nähe. Egal ob Ziele verwirklichen, Fett verbrennen, Ausdauer steigern oder zur Entspannung, bei uns sind Sie genau richtig. Mit einem großen Angebot an Leistungen zu top Konditionen bedienen wir bestimmt auch Ihre Bedürfnisse. Wir freuen uns schon auf Ihren Besuch!
02202 2512929 | View ProfileKöln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, 51069, Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany
iconic Icon
indoor cycling, cycling studio, RPM, sprint, spin, cycling, freestyle, Lesmills, dubai, activity, weight loss, high intensity, workout, cardio, financial center, DIFC, group classes, GX, healthy, corporate fitness, fitness, Sky Gardens
5645789963 | View Profilerajkot, Germany
CrossFit KraftmühleSponsor
CrossFit Kraftmühle Icon
CrossFit Kraftmühle is a functional fitness facility. In our gym, we have pull-up bars, ropes and rings, free weights and kettle bells, rowing machines and jump ropes. We have an amazing community of athletes of all abilities led by the best CrossFit coaches who teach movements and proper form.
+49 176-72554339 | View ProfileWürzburg, Germany
Crunch Fit - LeipzigSponsor
Crunch Fit - Leipzig Icon
Crunch Fit in Leipzig-Plagwitz. Adresse, Öffnungszeiten und weitere Details. Informiere Dich jetzt online und vereinbare ein Probetraining.
0341 31950410 | View ProfileLeipzig, Sachsen Germany
XBodyImpulse GmbHSponsor
XBodyImpulse GmbH Icon
Wir stellen EMS Unterwäsche, Wäsche, Trainingswäsche für Elektrische Muskelstimulation her. Wir bieten flexible Möbel und Zubehör für Fitness und EMS Studios an. Unsere Fitness Produkte sind von hoher Qualität, die zu einem fairen Preis angeboten werden.
0 | View ProfileBlaustein, Germany
Fitness club Böbingen GmbHSponsor
Fitness club Böbingen GmbH Icon
Look forward to a unique and new fitness experience in the fitness club Böbingen. What distinguishes the Gym Böbingen? In addition to the family environment certainly also the new eGym training circle and efle-xx back circle, let yourself be surprised and come your individual training goals a big step closer. Safe, fast, intense and without excuses to become fit! In addition, the Fitness Club Böbingen offers you a large selection of Matrix strength and endurance equipment on more than 800 square meters! Our friendly fitness team is on your side with competence and fun and helps you to reach your individual goals. Just drop by, meet some nice people and convince yourself of the very special and family atmosphere. We look forward to welcoming you in fitness Böbingen.
07173 9259870 | View ProfileBöbingen an der Rems, Germany
XBodyImpulse GmbHSponsor
XBodyImpulse GmbH Icon
Wir stellen EMS Unterwäsche, Wäsche, Trainingsunterwäsche, EMS Bekleidung, Kleidung, Möbel und Zubehör für Sport und Fitness Studios her. Unsere Produke für Elektrische Muskelstimulation sind von sehr hoher Qualität, die zu einem günstigen Preis angeboten werden. +49 7304 919700
+49 7304 919700 | View ProfileBlaustein, Germany
Kampfsport, Selbstverteidigung und Functional Training für Kinder und Erwachsenen.
0157 32 84 84 85 | View ProfileAschaffenburg, Germany
Verv Icon
Hi, i need to share with you our application for sports and health. Visit US and you may continually bear in mind of the newest news . Why does one must play sports each day? Regular exercise helps strengthen muscles and organs. this permits you to forestall several diseases, to not mention the actual fact that you simply feel higher even in adulthood. Sport helps to measure. within the athletic facility you'll meet similar folks, on a morning jog - positive folks, and also the evening exhausting exertion can facilitate, contrary to logic, to alleviate fatigue once work. Sports are definitely necessary - we've got identified concerning this since childhood. However, to understand and understand isn't in the slightest degree the identical issue. we'd like to be absolutely responsive to all the advantages that exercise brings to US. we'd like to know a way to begin enjoying sports with pleasure, and assess the role of sports for your life. we have a tendency to should bear in mind that the reluctance to play sports sooner or later for every people will turn out to be huge health issues.And if this is often true - isn't it easier to force yourself to play sports for a minimum of half-hour daily so as to feel tonight all of your life? If you'll not answer this question - then begin at least tiny, for a sample or experiment. terribly shortly you may notice that you simply don't wish to prevent it.We all grasp that sport could be a should. After all, the impor
07175 54 24 23 | View ProfileIggingen, Germany
Harmonic FITSponsor
Harmonic FIT Icon
Multifunctional training concept for small group and personal training. Training content: Functional training, endurance training, fascia training, HAMEDI yoga
040 - 50038999 | View ProfileHamburg, Germany
ROOMAIF Is A Professional Group Who Is Offering A Wide Range Of Sports Goods And Leather Products Since 1990. We Aim To Fulfill The Requirements Of Our Valued Customers As Per Their Expectations. We Provide Our Best Services To Our Valued Customers. Our Main Focus Is To Develop Quality Products For Our Customers.ROOMAIF Has Progressed Up To The Mark Among The Sports Community Around The Globe Because We Commit To Develop New Technologies In This Modern World.PRODUCTS:ROOMAIF Provides A Customer Oriented Environment. The Products Are Produced In Friendly Environment By Keeping The Rights Of The Works Secure And Protected. ROOMAIF Offers A Wide Range Of Sports Products Including Boxing, Martial Arts, Fitness And MMA Equipment, Footwear, Apparel, Gloves And Other Sports Products Which Are Necessary For Boxing, Fitness And Martial Arts. Apart From This, ROOMAIF Has Also Introduced An Independent R&D Cell To Develop New Products And Provide Advancement In The Production Methods. In This Way ROOMAIF Will Be Able To Meet The Challenging Demands Of The Future.BUSINESS STRATEGY:The Brand Comprises Of The Following Strategies: Development And Designing Of The Products And Marketing The Products Globally. The Company’s Motive Is To Create This Brand As A Winning Image. We Want Our Customers To Be Engaged With Us For A Lifetime Relationship.
View ProfileFrankfurt 60313, Germany
Your Health CoachSponsor
Your Health Coach Icon
Effektives gratis Probetraining mit Personal Trainer Sabine Heijman & Team!Personal Training in München mit Your Health Coach, hilft Ihnen Fit zu werden, sich wach zu fühlen und gut auszusehen! Your Health Coach hilft Ihnen, einen nachhaltigen und gesunden Lebensstil durch Personal Coaching, Ernährungsberatung und Personal Training zu entwickeln und weiter zu optimieren. Wir stellen uns gemeinsam Ihren Lifestyle-Anforderungen und setzen auf diese Weise eine Veränderung in Gang, an der Sie für den Rest des Lebens noch Freude haben werden. – Sabine Heijman –Personal Training, Get fit, stay fit!Wir Personal Trainer überlegen uns, was Ihnen hilft fitter, vitaler und gesünder zu werden. Lernen Sie Ihren Körper echt kennen und tun Sie, was zu Ihnen passt: Personal Training mit Bewegung, Stretchen und Entspannen. Wählen Sie in der YHC-App Ihr Workout für zuhause, im Büro oder im Urlaub während Sie den Überblick über Ihre Fortschritte halten und verfolgen.
+49 89 32608060 | View ProfileMünchen, Beieren Germany
PilatesFriends SachsenhausenSponsor
PilatesFriends Sachsenhausen Icon
Mit meinen über 20 Jahren Erfahrung im Bereich Physiotherapie, Osteopathie und Pilates kann ichSie fachgerecht bei sämtlichen Übungen, Fragestellungen und gesundheitlichen Problemen unterstützen.
017623822518 | View ProfileFrankfurt am Main, Germany
Steroapotheke Icon
Fitness, Bodybuilding
089 34 66 56 | View ProfileFreistaat Bayern, Freistaat Bayern Germany ReviewsSponsor Reviews Icon talks about smart devices and equipment geared towards a fitness-oriented lifestyle.
+491638979693 | View ProfileKamperdickstr. 20,, Kamp-Lintfort Germany
UN1T - Functional Fitness Studio München Ostbahnhof | UNITSponsor
UN1T - Functional Fitness Studio München Ostbahnhof | UNIT Icon
UN1T ist ein Fitnessstudio für Functional Training in München Ost, das auf den Kick des Group Trainings setzt. Das einzigartige UN1T Group Training ist hocheffizient: Im Team motivieren wir uns gegenseitig zu persönlichen Bestleistungen – bei jedem Workout. Im Team holst Du das Beste aus Dir heraus. Immer wieder, egal wie fit Du heute bist und morgen sein wirst. In der UN1T Workout Community erreichst Du Deine Ziele, baust Kraft auf und überschüssige Fettreserven ab.Business Hours:Mon-Thu: 05:50 – 09:10,11:50 – 13:00,17:50 – 21:00Fri: 05:50 – 09:10,11:50 – 19:00Sat-Sun: 08:50 – 12:00
089 45202555 | View ProfileMünchen, Bayern, 81671, Bayern Germany
Michael Kleist Personal TrainerSponsor
Michael Kleist Personal Trainer Icon
Ich bin DER Personal Trainer in Hamburg, der Dich zum MACHEN bringt.Du willst abnehmen?Deine Fitness verbessern?Muskeln aufzubauen?Dann lass uns JETZT loslegen!! Ganz einfach und unkompliziert. Meine Strategie? MACHEN!Wir fangen einfach zusammen an.
+4915146624521 | View ProfileHamburg, Germany
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