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Olympic Flame Guatemala
Aquatic CenterSponsor
Aquatic Center Icon
Aquatic Center Swimming Academy is run by certified ASCA Olympic swimmers, Swim America and World Aquatic. Our program of swimming lessons for babies, children and adults are first-rate. Divided by ages and levels, Aquatic Babies Babies start from 4 months of age when sharing with their parents first and unforgettable aquatic experiences, comprehensively developing their coordination skills and motor skills in the water. Aquatic Kids for children ages 3 and up grouped according to their level, with a teaching sequence that allows them to achieve different goals. Our program consists of 10 levels of swimming instruction in which the first 3 are basic survival skills in the water and from the 4th level and we started swimming styles. Being the swimming one of the most complete exercises that are not only improves coordination but also strengthens the stomach and lower back, to stay healthy we Aquatic Masters programs, for pregnant women Prenatal, Aquarobicos and Swim Free. Exercising in water is low impact without gravity which is ideal for rehabilitation of injuries or people with problems in articualciones or blood pressure. We have four locations in the city of Guatemala with indoor heated pools that use the latest technology in water treatment.
2312-0808 | View ProfileGuatemala, Guatemala Guatemala
Palmarosa Icon
Palmarosa es un spa en la ciudad de Guatemala, ofrecemos desde masajes relajantes, servicios de terapia Quiropractica, faciales para hombres y mujeres.
+502 2228 5316 | View ProfileCdad. de Guatemala, Guatemala Guatemala